Alone today, after a lie in until 9, I started on the things that are stopping me from tiling; Gutters. I watched the locals who were out in force today, digging up their potatoes. I completed a few jobs on the dormer then set to work with gutter clips and the spirit level. It took a bit of getting right, but with a string set I was able to screw the clips along the fascia board and then set to work soldering two lengths of copper together. Meanwhile Monika cut the grass with help from the boys.
The other concern was the pan flashing. Would a heavy rain fall cause so much water to run down the flashing, as to splash out over the gutter? I fashioned a bob-sled run style corner at the bottom and soldered it up. A washing up bowl of water was used to test it, and after a bit of fine tuning it worked a treat. I’ll be out in the rain, up a ladder, at some point to see it in action.
With all the bits and pieces complete, the big moment came. I repositioned the last batten to get the tile over the gutter, then was able to start tiling!
Another beautiful day. The plums have been turning red and are falling, so Monika hopes to make some jam. Sai Lo has been trying out his cooking skills also.
Onwards, and upwards tomorrow.