Yet again the mountain weather is testing us. Two days of heavy showers have taken their toll. We have made good progress anyway, but it’s been uncomfortable.

Wet wet wet

Wet wet wet
It’s good to see a few other buildings with the roofs off to let us know it is not completely the wrong time of year.
Yesterday morning things looked really grim as the heavy rain came down. We walked up through the village almost in the cloud. Surprisingly after an hour it actually stopped. Once again work was underway between the downpours.
By some miracle, in the late afternoon the clouds part and we have a hour of clear weather.

All New Bling
The Veluxs are in and the tiles are cut around. The very expensive gutters are in and we have neat rows of snow stoppers. Last thing yesterday I put in the valley boards on and one side of the dormer is covered.
Last day tomorrow, I hope we can push through. But more beer first.

More beer